Columbia Office | Florence Office |
(803) 750 – 9868 | (843) 662 – 6306 |
715 Betsy Drive, Columbia, SC 29210 | 702 S. Coit St., Florence, SC 29501 |
Monday—Thursday: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM Friday: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM |
Monday—Thursday: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM (Closed for lunch 12:30 PM—1:30 PM) Friday: 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM |
BSA Scout Shop (Columbia) | Scout Shop (Florence) |
(803) 798 – 0389 | (843) 662 – 6306 |
715 Betsy Drive, Columbia, SC 29210 | 702 S. Coit St., Florence, SC 29501 |
Monday—Friday: 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM |
Monday—Thursday: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM (Closed for lunch 12:30 PM—1:30 PM) Friday: 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM |
Camp Barstow | Camp Coker |
(864) 445 – 4991 | (843) 339 – 0173 |
117 Camp Barstow Dr., Batesburg, SC 29006 | 2029 Camp Coker Rd., Society Hill, SC, SC 29593 |
Executive Staff
Doug Stone |
Scout Executive |
Direct: (803) 750 – 9840 |
Mobile: (803) 269 – 9513 |

Field Staff
Scott Hagler | Tara Holberg | April Mayfield |
Director of Field Service | District Executive | District Executive |
Direct: (803) 750 – 9842 | Direct: (803) 848 – 0777 | Direct: (803) 750 – 9848 |
Mobile: (919) 750 – 1283 | Mobile: (843) 206 – 2983 | Mobile: (803) 626 – 6651 |

Matthew Presson | Adam Riedel | Michael Shook |
District Executive | District Executive | Field Director |
Direct: (803) 750 – 9849 | Direct: (843) 954 – 3124 | Direct: (843) 954 – 3123 |
Mobile: (803) 677 – 5757 | Mobile: (843) 283 – 5969 | Mobile: (706) 691 – 7839 |

Office Staff
John Cuenin | Diane Wheeler |
Support Services Director | Office Manager |
Direct: (803) 750 – 9850 | Direct: (843) 662 – 6306 |
Mobile: (843) 954 – 3122 | |
Columbia Office | Florence Office |

Susanne Anderson | Risa Cuenin | Terri Towle |
Fundraising Specialist | Accounting Specialist | Director of Development |
Direct: (803) 750 – 9843 | Direct: (803) 750 – 9841 | Direct: (803) 750 – 9844 |
Mobile: (803) 606 – 9995 |

Camp Staff
Amelia Padgett | Nick Newton |
Camp Ranger @ Camp Barstow | Camp Ranger @ Camp Coker |
(864) 450 – 2365 | (843) 339 – 0173 |
Indian Waters Council
District Contact Information
Florence, Chesterfield, Darlington, Marlboro, and Williamsburg
Michael Shook
Direct: (843) 954 – 3123
Mobile: (706) 691 – 7839
Richland Two Columbia, Forest Acres, Lower Richland & Eastover
April Mayfield
Direct: (803) 750 – 9848
Mobile: (803) 626 – 6651
Horry, Marion and Dillon
Adam Riedel
Direct: (843) 954 – 3124
Mobile: (843) 283 – 5969
Saluda County & Lexington 1, 2, 3, & 4
Matthew Presson
Direct: (803) 750 – 9849
Mobile: (803) 677 – 5757
Bamberg, Calhoun, and Orangeburg
April Mayfield
Direct: (803) 750 – 9848
Mobile: (803) 626 – 6651
Lexington District 5 and Richland District 1
Scott Hagler
Direct: (803) 750 – 9842
Mobile: (919) 750 – 1283
Clarendon, Lee, and Sumter
Tara Holberg
Direct: (803) 848 – 0777
Mobile: (843) 206 – 2983
Indian Waters Council
Event Contact Information
Eagle Scout Process | John Cuenin |
Merit Badge Counselor |
Camp Barstow Year-Round Camping | Scott Hagler |
Camp Coker Year-Round Camping |
Events / Programs
Camping Committee | Scott Hagler |
Cub Scout Summer Camp | |
Order of the Arrow | |
Philmont | |
ScoutReach | |
Scouting for Food | |
Scouts BSA Summer Camp | |
Seabase |
BALOO Training for Cub Scout Leaders | Michael Shook |
Scouts BSA Position-Specific Training | |
Scouts BSA Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS) | |
National Youth Leader Training (NYLT) | |
Wood Badge |
Services and Support at the Council Office
AP Invoices | Risa Cuenin |
Council eNewsletter | Doug Stone |
Eagle Scout Alumni | Doug Stone |
Finance Support | Terri Towle |
Friends of Scouting | Terri Towle |
Golf Tournament | Terri Towle |
Grants | Terri Towle |
Membership Recruiting | Michael Shook |
Membership Registration | Diane Wheeler |
Uniform Loan Closet | April Mayfield |
Popcorn | John Cuenin |
Risk Management | Doug Stone |
Scoutbook | Diane Wheeler |
Unit Outreach | April Mayfield |
Website | Risa Cuenin |
Youth Protection Issue | Doug Stone |