Council Level Links
Commissioner Onboarding and Arrowhead Honor Award
Indian Waters Commissioner College
College of Commissioner Science
Doctorate of Commissioner Science Theses & Projects
Commissioner Awards
Commissioner Award of Excellence in Unit Service
Distinguished Commissioner Service Award
Doctorate of Commissioner Science Knot Award
BSA National Links
As commissioners, we share the BSA’s mission: To prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
To prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Law.
Be the Heart: Scouting’s units are its heart; its success is dependent upon them; they deliver its programs to youth. Commissioners Support unit leaders in developing a safe, welcoming environment and delivering Scouting’s programs effectively. We exist to support Scouting’s heart.
Build Relationships: Commissioners must develop relationships with unit leaders we serve based on mutual respect, candor, and trust. Without that, the communication and collaboration required to effectively support units is impossible.
Change Lives: Scouting changes lives – of the youth it serves and the adults who support it (both volunteers and professionals). As they adopt Scouting’s values, they become engaged citizens who strengthen our communities, nation, and world.
New Commissioner Resources
If you have a Scouter that is new to the Commissioner Service, there are some steps they should follow to ensure that they are best serving their units. Click on the appropriate box below to download the onboarding record for your new Commissioner. This will help you get them effectively embark on their new position and get them started on working toward their Arrowhead Honor Award.
Being the single, best resource
Ensuring S.A.F.E programs (Supervision, Assessment, Fitness and Skill, and Equipment and Environment)
Enabling significant, sustainable growth